FIRO-teorin – en fördjupning

The Human Element Sweden har under de senaste åren anordnat ett stort antal seminarier med Ethan Schutz, Judi Bell, Jim Tamm och Ron Luyet för att fördjupa förståelsen för FIRO-teorin.

Vi kommer att fortsätta att göra det med jämna mellanrum. Närmast kommer Ron Luyet till Sverige i december 2009. Seminarium med honom kommer att annonseras senare! Är du intresserad kan du redan nu ta kontakt med Leif Cervin.

En av de handledare som varit mest i Sverige är Judi Bell. Judi Bell, M.S., M.F.T., är en ytterst kompetent handledare och tränare
när det gäller grupp- och individutveckling. Judi var i många år en
nära senior medarbetare till Will Schutz, skaparen av FIRO-teorin och
The Human Element. Will skrev om henne: ”There is no one whom I trust
more to take the theory, my life’s work, expand upon it and innovate
from it”.

Just nu är inga seminarier inplanerade med Judi. Är du intresserad av att gå någon av hennes kurser: Taking the Cork of the FIRO Theory, Shadowing och Diminish Your Defensivness så kan du titta på hennes hemsida: Klicka här!


Radical Collaboration at Work

The Radical Collaboration approach has been utilized in a wide range of applications in both public and private sectors, ranging from healthcare (Catholic Healthcare West -Sierra Nevada Hospital) heavy industry (Boeing Leadership Center) military (US and Canadian Departments of Defense) higher education (International Management Program/IFL at the Stockholm School of Economics) high tech organizations (NASA Management Education Program) pharmaceuticals (Pfizer) electronics (Sony Ericsson) local public sector organizations (Swedish Work Environment Authority) to international public sector organizations (United Nations Office of Oversight Services).

The program was originally developed as a joint pilot project between the State of California and the Hewlett Foundation in order to teach collaborative skills in very adversarial organizations. Jim Tamm, the co-author of Radical Collaboration, was one of the program designers and original faculty members.

The program has produced strong research based results. One follow up research study tracked participants from nine countries over a six year period. In her report, Professor Mayte Barba, Director of Business Administration at Monterrey Tech University in Cuernavaca Mexico noted the following average gains:

• A 49.5 percent increase in effectiveness for participants in reducing their own defensiveness in conflict,
• A 44.8 percent increase in effectiveness at getting their interests met in conflicted situations,
• A 31.5 percent increase in effectiveness at problem solving, and
• A 26.4 percent increase in effectiveness at building and maintaining long-term climates of trust.

Another study tracked almost 100 organizations specifically identified as having adversarial climates.  Based upon very accurate records kept by the State of California, researchers documented an average reduction in the rate of conflict of 67% over a three year period.

Research conducted by the Institute of Industrial Relations at the University of California, Berkeley confirmed that transformations from ineffective, adversarial, non-trusting work relationships into effective cooperative and trusting work relationships were the norm rather than the exception. Trust increased, communications improved, and working relationships became more productive. Participants reported that not only did the working environment become more collaborative; the products of their problem solving efforts were much improved.  When surveyed about their subsequent long-term use of workshop skills, participants universally reported high follow up usage.

Collaborative skills are essential for ensuring long-term profitability. In their classic study titled Corporate Culture and Performance, John Kotter and James Heskett reported on the role that a collaborative culture plays on the success or failure of major corporations. The well researched empirical study, covering more than two hundred companies in twenty two industries documented that more collaborative enhancing cultures out performed more adversarial non-enhancing cultures by over 750% in net profit, over 800% in stock price growth, and almost 250% in work force expansion.

The Radical Collaboration program is a highly interactive training focusing on skills that are essential to building and maintaining climates of trust and collaboration within organizations. The skills are immediately useful and quickly implemented.  Because the training is interactive and the tools are very practical the program is ideal for a wide range of settings and educational levels.  It has worked well for groups ranging from custodians to college presidents.

For additional information about this program you can go to

© Jim Tamm, 2006


The Human Element i Kundrelationer

Svenska certifierade handledare

Certifierade av Judi Bell

Alfredius, Lena
Breitholtz, Monica
Börjesson, Margareta
Cervin, Leif
Edlund, Hanna
Esensjö, Jan
Fuchs, Gertrude
Gewert, Magnus
Larsson, Marie
Lundin, Per
Månsson, Kerstin
Neumann, Anna Karin
Ohlsson Drangel, Åsa
Petrina-Esensjö, Susan
Sundholm, Per-Åke
Sundin, Tommy
Tropé, Maxi
Westergren, Gunilla
Wickman, Anniqua
Zandrén, Stig
Åkerlund, Klas

Radical Collaboration® – Förtroendefullt Samarbete

Svenska certifierade handledare
Per den 18  augusti 2010, alla certifierade av Jim Tamm  resp Christian Rudqvist

Almkvist, Sune
Alvebro, Örjan
Alvhage, Bo
Andersson, Karin
Andersson, Kristin
Andrén, Hans
Aspenfjäll, Jonas

Bauer Alpsjö, Gabriella
Berensson, Olof
Bergengren, Maria
Berggren, Sonja
Bergström, PO
Bernhardsson, Birgitta
Berhouet, Maria
Björklund, Fredrik
Björklund, Per
Björnsson, Anders
Borg, Morgan
Breitholtz, Monica
Bylund, Margareta
Bäcklin Englund, Siv
Börjesson, Margareta

Carlsson , Michael
Cervin, Leif
Cifuentes, Juan
Cooper, Jan
Cooper, Margareta

Egholt, Susanne
Eidmann, Jeannette
Ekstrand, Måns
Elvelo, Theresia
Ericsson, Håkan
Esensjö, Jan

Falk, Susanne
Femermo, Ingegerd
Flodin, Elisabeth
Folkesson, Niclas
Fornborg, Anna
Franke, Göran
Fång, Thomas

Green, Ingegerd
Gruczkun, Patrick
Gustafsson, Rolf
Gustavii, Åsa
Gustavsson, Sara
Görander, Susanne

Hagman, Jenny
Helander, Magdalena
Herlitz, Carl Erik
Hjalmarson, Bengt
Hjelm, Conny
Holmberg, Mats
Hägelmark, Syrene

Ivansson, Andreas

Jansson, Magnus
Jergmo, Fredrik
Johansson, Maj-Inger
Jonsson, Lars-Erik
Jungerfelt, Peter
Jungeröd, Björn

Karlsson, Annika
Karlsson, Kurt
Kihlgren, Sven
Kivimäki, Kaarin
Kramer, Lotta
Kull, Margareta

Langueville, Margaretha
Levin, Alf
Lewrén, Charlotte
Lindblom, Måns
Lindgren, Anders
Lindsjö, Ronny
Lundholm-Fuchs, Gertrude
Lundin Nyysti, AnnaLena
Lundin, Per
Lundqvist, Mats
Löfberg, Fredrik
Löjdquist, Ingrid

Mayer, Rolf

Nilsson, Ylva
Nordström, Paul
Norrby, Elisabeth

Olofsson, Jan
Olsson, Martin
Olsson, Tommy

Parsberg, Cecilia
Pedro, Malin
Petrina-Esensjö, Susan
Pettersson, Birgit
Pettersson, Britt-Marie
Philips, Åke

Redin, Anki
Rogbring, Peter
Roos, Anders
Rosengren, Anna
Rosqvist, Emma
Rud Pedersen, Morten
Rudqvist, Christian
Rudqvist, Dag
Runnström, Ylva
Rönnberg, Rolf

Samsioe, Annika
Schneede, Thekla Marie
Smetana, Sara
Snickars, Kjell
Stenqvist, Bodil
Sund, Johan
Sundholm, Per-Åke
Sundin, Tommy
Söder, Jeanette

Taylor, Marianne
Thor, Gunilla
Thorné, Örjan
Thunström, Annika
Tropé, Barbro
Tropé, Maxi

Utterdahl, Monica

Vanky, Maria
Vejby, Jim

Wallberg, Ethel
Warpman, Solveig
Wenehult, Lena
Westman, Clara
Wirén, Jonas

Zandrén, Stig

Åkerblom, Staffan
Åkerlund, Klas

Österling, Kari

The Implicit Career Search

Svenska certifierade handledare
Per den 15 augusti 2008, alla certifierade av Steve Miller.

Aspenfjäll, Jonas

Borg, Morgan
Björnsson, Anders

Cervin, Leif

Esensjö, Jan

Fuchs, Gertrude

Hagman, Jenny

Lindstein, Katarina

Mattsson, Mikael

Norrby, Elisabeth

Petrina-Esensjö, Susan

Warpman, Solveig

Åkerblom, Staffan